I always wanted to try out ABH palettes and this Black Friday was the perfect opportunity to do so. All eyeshadow palettes were reduced on ABH website and I decided to go for the Soft Glam. I love a good bronze look and I think this palette is just everything colour wise. Instead of paying the usual £43/$42, I paid only £30, saving around £13. To be honest it would be so much easier if palettes would cost no more than £30, I'm guessing all of us would be super happy about that! Shipping to the UK was free and my order came within 5 days (as ABH has its own European website, therefore no customs, yay!)
Each shade is 0.74g/0.02 oz and that is definitely less than you get in other eyeshadow palettes such as Kylie Cosmetics (1.40g/0.05oz) or Huda Beauty (16.6g/0.59oz) which can make us not be so happy with the price - you get very tiny amount of the actual eyeshadow. Also, the actual packaging of the palette is so stunning but it can get dirty very fast, so the stunning effect will not last a long time.
At first, I was not sure whether or not I will like this palette because I had the exact dupe for the Soft Glam by Revolution already, but trust me, I was not disappointed. This is the first ever palette owned by me that felt so good to use, I literally cannot explain how much I love using this. All the shades are super pigmented, so blendable and there is barely any fallout! Plus, the whole palette is put up together so good, that not only can you create a beautiful bronze look but also gives you shades like Dusty Rose and Mulberry to go onto the Burgundy side of an eye look.
I love everything about this palette and definitely would recommend it to everyone. I know that I tend to say it about at least half of the palettes I review and use, but this one just holds a special place in my heart. Besides the Burgundy palette by Kylie Cosmetics, I have never seen a palette that just calls my name and never can ruin an eye look. The shades blend so beautifully and no matter what look you go for - it will always look so amazing on the eyes. It hasn't been even a full month of me owning this palette and I have already hit pan on TEMPERA, which I use for the base for my eyeshadow look, and I am very close to hitting pan on Sultry, which has to be my favourite shade from the entire palette. I tend to get an eyeshadow palette, play with it for a long time but at some point get bored and move onto another, but with this one I have a really strong feeling that as soon as I will hit pan on more than 3/4 shades, I will be ordering a brand new palette. This is a must have for me, my new holy grail for the eye for sure! Below on the picture you can see how my palette looks after almost a month of constant use.
The palette also comes with a double-side brush, but I have to be honest and say that I don't necessary like this brush. It almost hurts my eye to use it and feels too heavy when applying the shadows, so I keep it in the palette rather than in my brush collection, because I just never reach for it.
Also, as already mentioned in one of my previous posts that you can read HERE, there is a dupe for the Soft Glam created by Make Up Revolution. The shadows are very similar, and almost as pigmented as the Soft Glam, and definitely worth its price - it costs only £4! But keep in mind that the dupe does not blend as well as the original and is not necessary of the same good quality. This however, doesn't make it bad and for those that cannot afford the actual Soft Glam by ABH, I would definitely tell to reach out for the dupe because it is still fun to play with!
Above you can see that the swatches of the dupe are almost identical to the original Soft Glam!
I love both palettes, and actually got the dupe before the original, but my heart is definitely loving the actual Soft Glam more.
That's all for today dears. I love reading your comments, so make sure to share your opinions with me. Do you own the Soft Glam or the dupe? Or are you planning or want to get any of the two? Also, if you own any of the other palettes by ABH, are they as good as Soft Glam is?! Let me know in the comment, because if so, I will have to get more!
PS. If you still haven't followed my blog - CLICK HERE - to use a link that will make it easier for you to do so!
Love, Olivia xo
I love ABH and Makeup Revolution!
ReplyDeleteI have yet to own any of the ABH palettes. The Nude palette is so beautiful but honestly they all are and to pay 30 dollars is a great deal. I also think I would use it quickly myself as the colors are so beautiful and are colors I love and use often. I do plan on buying a palette after the new year when I can afford to. So happy you love your palette. I have never tried make up revolution either yet. Both have gorgeous palettes.
DeleteOh man that’s the perfect dupe for the Soft Glam ���� I really wanna try Abh palettes and I honestly can’t wait for the vault to come back next year �� Amazing blog Olivia, loved it ����
ReplyDeleteOmg i don't want the dupe i want the soft glam so bad! Ty Olivia again for your review.
ReplyDeletethanks so much for the review!! super helpful
ReplyDeleteSoft Glam is so beautiful! i have the dupe but i don't like it :(
ReplyDeletehopefully one day i can afford the real thing
I absolutely love this palette it's my favorite palette! I wear it all the time! I love your review you did a great job! Love you and happy holidays!
ReplyDeleteThanks for such an in depth review
ReplyDeleteNever used ABH before but it’s lovely! Like the review Thank you
ReplyDeleteI love these swatches, so gorgeous!
ReplyDeletelove your reviews & your effort you put into them!!❤️✨
ReplyDeleteLove your reviews and am happy your blog is finally working for me. @tazisalady
ReplyDeleteLove this review babe!! Love how u also put the price in USD!! TYSM!! LITTLE THINGS LIKE THAT, will make me unfollow a blog, bc I think if ur detailed enough to have a review blog, u should be catering to USA customers as well as other countries!
ReplyDeleteAgain loved seeing the palette and it's use for a month bc I can see which colors hit pan or are close to it and if can't buy palette, at least know some individual shhades to go get!!
Great review, u hit every topic that I'd expect in a review!
If u ever get PR stuff(which u TOTALLY SHOULD BC UR BLOG ROCKS) an unboxing post would be so fun, but idk if u wanna start with video editing bc that can be quite pricey!
Love the post, keep dropping these type thing on ur blog...makeup junkies love stuff like this!!
Oh, before I forget, is there a way to get notifs on when u post new stuff on ur blog? I'd LOVE to read ur blog when new stuff hits it!!
#twitterfam love✨✨✨
Definitely puts everything into perspective as I’ve been thinking on purchasing ABH sometime soon when I can afford it lol thanks girl 🤗💕
ReplyDeleteI have the dupe and Soft Glam and for me there is just no comparison. Glides like buttah baby. Lol
ReplyDeleteWell that does it....I definitely want the Soft Glam palette now 😍
ReplyDeleteI've always wanted an ABH palette and this review really makes me want to get it!
ReplyDeleteIt's a shame that there's less product in the palette like most, but as you said, it's a really pretty palette!
ReplyDeleteI'd probably buy the dupe, but I love your review!!
They had this bundle for 90$ and i wish i could buy it😥
ReplyDeleteThank you for the review its very helpful its nkce to know what your getting into before you do 😂i still love the soft glam but i want to check out the dupe❤❤❤
ReplyDeleteOmg I didn’t know that makeup revolution made a dupe for the soft glam palette!!! And I love ABH shadows! They’re absolutely beautiful!!!
ReplyDeleteI still want this palette and especially more so since reading this!!
ReplyDeleteReally nice colors
ReplyDeleteYou always seem to give such great advice and honest reviews on products! I love that about you!
ReplyDeleteGosh I have been wanting this palette so much. This is the perfect NUDE and just perfect for everyday wear :D i love it <3 and thank you for your hONEST review. the swatches are soooo stunning <3 i love it :D you are honest and sweet and i really appreciate it!
ReplyDeleteI never knew that there was a dupe for this palette! But I still want the ABH one ❤️!
ReplyDeleteI am gonna try this looks amazing in swatches well worth trying...
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for such a detailed review. It’s really such a beautiful pallet.
ReplyDeleteLove when people do palette reviews
ReplyDeleteIve alwayss wantedd to tryy this amazing Anastasia palettes.. ivee heardd greattt thinggss abouttt itt...😍😍😍😍😍😍 my Twitter is @claudia41353563
ReplyDeleteSince I enjoy more colourful looks this palette didnt really catch my eye .i akready own a lot of neutral shades and warm tones.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love your review! My go to palette is the soft glam. It's so creamy like you said the colors are just so beautiful and you can make so many looks with it. It's one of my favorite palettes. I'm glad you know of a dupe. Because the Anastasia brand gets to be on the pricey side.
ReplyDeleteOut of all the ABH palettes, this color story speaks to me the most!! I could definitely see my self using this palette every day. Unfortunately I don't own any ABH palettes yet, so this review was great to hear how well it performed! Thanks for also putting the details for how much the pans hold compared to other high end palettes!
ReplyDeleteAlso- I did not know Makeup Revolution made a dupe!
I just bought the W7 Delicious palette and it's a perfect dupe of the Modern Renaissance palette!
ReplyDeleteThe exact same colour, but only a small bit less pigmented (I'm guessing) but is still really good
It's only £7 compared to it being £42.
I have to agree that ABH is really awesome when it comes to shadows. Although I have not used makeup revolution, probably cuz they don't have it in any stores where I am(Florida) I love the modern renaissance palette and this one as well. The eyeshadows are hella pigmented and like you said very blendable
ReplyDeleteABH is amazing! Honestly iveI been wanting to get Soft Glam for so long! Well now with this review,I think I'm going to buy it!
ReplyDeleteWould you advice only getting the dupe or trying the OG if possible? I can afford both, but wondering if there's a point of getting Soft Glam if the dupe is as good
ReplyDeleteI would pay extra for the soft glam ..